Treatment protocols by author/organization

You want to know the best way to get rid of mRNA vaccine residues, whether you have received a vaccine directly or have been contaminated in some other way. The procedure for the treatment is always the same.

There is hardly “one herb” that is the solution for a proper detox, but usually it is the combination of several herbs, medications or techniques. The authors we list below have compiled these into “protocols”. You either have a link to the protocol or a file to download. For one person one protocol may be the best solution, for another person a different approach. We recommend that you contact a healthcare professional (ideally a naturopath with experience in mRNA detoxification) to support you and help you choose the best protocol for your case.

You can find a therapist here: and consider analyzing your blood before and after a treatment cycle with this analysis: or any of the other diagnostic methods we list on

How do we know which protocol is the best? Whether it works? Well, it’s best to use the just mentioned Covid19 Vaccine Residual Analysis before and after, but of course you would like to know before you start a program which one is right for you. You can look for testimonials, but even then you can’t be sure if it will really work in your case. Worse, some of the doctors who recommend their protocol specifically warn against using other protocols, and only time will tell who was right. Then we have a few very famous doctors who are very active in the resistance but associated with questionable organizations such as, just one of several, Dr. Peter McCullough and TWC (The Wellness Company) which is very active as a company but casts strong doubt on their true intentions as we cannot overlook facts such as this report on rumble or this PDF-file.

In the resistance, we always have to be very careful of controlled opposition trying to undermine our efforts. So yes, there is some doubt about McCullough, The Wellness Company or others, but undoubtedly McCullough has also published many useful papers and certainly helped to wake many people up regarding the mRNA vaccines; he is one of the most popular and tireless figures and one of the few MDs to openly attack Big Pharma. Personally, I am always a bit wary when somebody publishes up to 10 posts DAILY on different platforms (like Telegram, Epoch Times, etc.), like McCullough or Dr. Ariyana Love, the latter also with very interesting protocols, but also tirelessly attacking other doctors like McCollough or Ana Maria Mihalcea, even claiming Mihalcea is working for the CIA. Now, we all know that ALL mainstream media have simply become press spokespeople and helpers of the New World Order. And we also know that real facts and true stories are only broadcast on platforms like Telegram or resistance internet TV channels. Nowadays you can easily find all the REAL information on the internet, but in this flood of information it is often difficult to distinguish between true information and the controlled opposition, the helpers of the NWO. My advice: be careful, double and triple check, and before you decide on one treatment protocol or another, invest time and check them well.

One final note: Be careful when mixing different protocols, as Individual components can also present contraindications. One example: Dr. Ariyana Love writes in her protocol that you should not use any kind of electronic devices such as BioResonance or similar in the first three months of her program. I usually recommend the use of these devices as very supportive of most programs, but if this doesn’t work for her protocol, I would stick to the recommendations.

Sorry for the long introduction, but these are facts that you should keep in mind. And finally, here are the promised protocols, in alpabetical order (by first name):


Dr. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker, biophysical researcher
Protocol, link 1 (german)
protocols, link 2 (english, spanish, german)
Article published in Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine (PDF)
Comments: Mainly CDS/CDL (CIO2), chlorine dioxide. Author of several books about Covid.

Dr. Andrew Rallis, Phd, independent science researcher
His Website:
Protocol link to download as PDF-file (english)
Comments: Not a 5 minute read, but very comprehensive, considers all aspects of the mRNA injections.

Dr. Ariyana Love, ND
Her Substack:
Protocol link, also on Substack (english)
Simple protocol
Comments: Very comprehensive. Requires to contact Dr. Love for additional information.


FLCCC ALLIANCE, Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)
Their website:
Their protocol, with downloadlink (english)
Harry’s emergency program, PDF-file (german), very comprehensive
Comments: Easy to follow. Comprehensive website of one of the first organisations of critical medical professionals, since 2020 – they are amazing.


James Roguski, Journalist and health freedom fighter
His Substack Channel:
His protocol to general health
Comments: Not specific for mRNA, but worth the read. Suggested subscription to his newsletter.


MWGFD.ev, German association of conscious medical professionals.
Honorary chairman: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
Their website:
Protocol link to download, by Kristina Wolff, ND
2nd Protocol link to download, short, also for emergency cases
Comments: Besides the protocols very useful website with all kind of information.


Dr. Peter Hermann, MD, GENIPLET, reproductive medicine
Protocol (german)
Comment: One of the very few conscious specialist doctors for reproductive medicine, also a partner of

Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, extremely popular but controversial figure in the resistance
His website:
Link to the protocol (needs to be downloaded as WORD-file)
Other link to the protocol, with more info
Article about Nattokinase
Comments: Focus on spike protein only, very easy to follow.
Please note that McCullough has just promoted a new form of therapy in this paper, namely the treatment of mRNA damage with siRNA (the same technology), which we consider to be quite daring to say the least, and which we would certainly not recommend.


React19, is a science-based non-profit offering financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from longterm Covid-19 vaccine adverse events globally.
Their website:
Dr. Paul Marik’s protocol on video on React19
Direct link on Rumble
Comment: 1 hour video, recommended to watch the whole video. Plent of other useful infon on the website.


Various authors, protocols as a result of collaboration between several specialists
A protocol to download as PDF from several german medical professionals (english)
Comments: From 2022, one of the first recommendations, still a good read, with background info

Various authors, Protocols to increase the hemoglobin level, a method to avoid transfusion
PDF download: RAISE YOUR HEMOGLOBIN, Brigitte’s + Lisa’s Protocol
PDF download: Natural remedy to boost hemoglobin in the blood (english, italian and french)
Comments: Three successful protocols by SafeBlood members to increase hemoglobin levels

Various authors, Telegram-group: Impf-Ausleitung, Heilung + Entgiftung (german only)
Comments: A Telegram-group with lots of treatment protocols, but also other information. Difficult to find what you need, but worth having a look.


WarriorEssentials (USA)
Their Website:
The protocol
Comments: They have their own product range. Honestly, we don’t know much about them. Please send us feedback with your experience.

World Council For Health, excellent platform for all kinds of health related issues
The Website:
Protocol link on their website
Comments: Easy to understand, focus mainly on spike protein. Short version as PDF-download in most languages.



Please note that SafeBlood is in no way affiliated with the listed authors of these protocols and does not offer medical advice; we simply list the various protocols so that you and your therapist can make a choice.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material published or transmitted by Safe Blood Donation and its affiliates, directors, officers, managers, employees or other representatives are for informational purposes only. No material is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your trusted health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Safe Blood Donation publication or transmission.